Make A Donation

Tax Deductible Gift

The Buddha Dharma Education Association Education School Building Fund is a Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR). All gifts over $AUD2.00 are tax deductible in Australia.

To make a direct deposit, please use the following account.

Buddha Dharma Education Association Education School Building Fund
BSB: 082-842
Account Number: 233780036

ACNC Registered CharityNot-for-Profit Registered Charity

Bodhi Tree Forest Monastery Retreat Centre was established in 2005 under the Buddha Dharma Education Association Inc. (ABN 52 159 380 065) in 1999. We are an ACNC-registered charity and not-for-profit organisation supported by donations and volunteers. If you want to contribute to maintaining the Monastery and Vipassana Retreat Centre, you can confidently do so using the secure credit card facility below. If you want to donate by post instead, please use the Bodhi-Tree_Donation_Form. Your generosity is much appreciated, as giving helps us help others.

The Buddha Dharma Education Association, Incorporated as a Charity and Not-for-Profit organisation, is the legal entity of Bodhi Tree Forest Monastery and its websites, BuddhaNet, World Buddhist Directory, Buddhist eLibrary, and Bodhi Tree Monastery.

Fund Raising Appeal for Building Construction Project

Our good news is that after a prolonged process, the local authority has granted permission to build a retreat complex as a Vipassana Retreat Centre on 99 acres (36.91 hectares) at Bodhi Tree Forest Monastery!

Since 2005, we have developed the monastery’s base and are now constructing purpose-built retreat facilities for the teachers and forty-four meditators.

The infrastructure on the west side of the retreat complex and the first two stages of the retreat complex are completed. They are a bedroom accommodation unit with an ensuite for people with disabilities and a Hall and Pagoda.

As a not-for-profit Buddhist charity staffed by volunteers, we offer our services free of charge. So, we rely entirely on your generosity to fund this unique project.

Please join us and share the benefits of freely making the Buddha’s liberating teachings available to all without charge.

With appreciation,


Ven. Pannyavaro.

Download the donation form & site map.

If you would like to help with the financial assistance required to establish and maintain Bodhi Tree Forest Monastery & Vipassana Retreat Centre. Please download the following forms for more information:

To download: click the right mouse button on the link and select the “Save Target As” option.

Online Credit Card (Secure SSL) Form:

If you would like to contribute to Bodhi Tree Forest Monastery, you can now confidently do so, as this is a secure credit card facility.

If you would rather donate by post, please use the manual Bodhi-Tree_Donation_Form. We appreciate your support and generosity.


NOTE: This form uses Australian (AUD) Dollars only. You can visit the universal currency converter to see the current exchange rate. You can donate from another country – just that the amount you specify is debited from your credit card in Australian dollars.

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